I took the 11-year-old with me to Staples to get school supplies last week and, unable to restrain myself, I broke out into song and skipped along the aisles joyously with my cart. The 11-year-old was utterly horrified (I had such sympathy for him) and exhorted me to stop IMMEDIATELY. Isn't THAT paradoxical... my 11-year-old desired that I stop a certain behavior... Rather than stoop to his level and continuing my annoying display (subjectively annoying, of course), I stopped at his request (I thought that was big of me).
I know some of you moms (and dads) out there are genuinely sad that your little ones are going off to school again for the season... boarding the big yellow school bus... off to a wide world of learning and education and outside influences... and frankly, I don't understand you. You must not have two boys two years apart who make noise constantly. There were some that cried when their kids went off to kindergarten, taking pictures as the bus pulled away. Me? I drop kicked the boys into the school building. Ciao, boys. Have fun storming the castle...

Every time I drop off my boys at school, I do a little dance. After all, they'll be out of my hair for an entire, blessed 7 hours. Gosh, whatever will I do with all that peace and quiet? What will go through my head when my 13-year-old isn't constantly singing or humming to himself (he is singing right now as I type and tapping a plastic puzzle piece incessantly against the table) Whose fights will I break up? For whom will I try in vain to come up with a creative and fun activity to keep him entertained? Who will whine to me? Who will I admonish not to DO THAT TO THE DOG!? Who will tell me he is bored? Who will tell me he doesn't want peanut butter and jelly for lunch? At whom will I yell to turn off the tv? Who will I discipline to play nicely, not call his brother names? Whose mouth will I threaten to wash out with soap? Whose iTouch will I confiscate? Yes, I'm just heartbroken that school is almost back in session.
Alas, my two aren't yet back in school. We start - I mean they start- the day after Labor Day. The boys have one final week before school starts and my precious freedom is returned to me through the blessing of education.
And then... it will be quiet around the house. Too quiet. Eerily quiet. And they will be learning even more because already they know more than I do, of course....
That song/commercial has been running through my head for the past week. It's bittersweet. I do get sad on the first day, but pretty quickly find solace in a QUIET house ;)
ReplyDeleteMy girls started today and I would love to say that I sat in my pajamas and cried all day because I missed them, but of course I didn't. The house was so quiet and didn't mysteriously dirty itself the whole time. The first day of school is truly magical.
ReplyDeleteMine arent in school yet either....and the stupid school has played an EVIL trick on me..and is having the Kinders and the 1st graders (A is included here) start a week LATER than the rest due to construction. Bast@#$*.
ReplyDeleteMy boys started yesterday. Unfortunately only 1 is able to dress himself and neither can fix their own breakfast. So it was a bit hectic getting them out the door. Not too mention the piles of paperwprk I had to complete.
ReplyDeleteLove the picture! Absolutely hilarious. I think it is your best one yet!
Oh yeah. Kids have learned it all, haven't they?
ReplyDeleteI would tell you to enjoy each moment but I think you're a bit past that by now. ;-)
I've got to learn that picture drawing thing...I SO LOVE THEM. And I'm so glad you showed your patriotism. Good on you!
ReplyDeleteShall I launch into a diatribe as to my feelings about back to school?
Just you wait, those boys will be out of your hair and gone before you know it. Wow, I just got all weepy. I'd like to send the 8 year old off to college and bring the 22 year old home. I'm sure he'd love 3rd grade over organic chem.
OMG You crack me up...I would be as excited as you if I were in your shoes, but since I don't have kids I'll just be excited for you instead. :) I'm also excited that my friend, Christine, will be able to spend some days shopping with me now that her kids are back in school.
Funny post, right on the money. Unsure, though, about that cartoon a couple posts down. :)
ReplyDeleteMine go back tomorrow morning!!!!!!!! Yay! (Although Grant has his first day of Kindergarten and I WILL be that parent who takes a few pix and may or may not have a tear in her eye...)
ReplyDeleteI am always happy when the last day of school is here and about 3 days after that I am wishing for September. (That noise/those complaints? Double it for my house.)
I love your stick drawings!
"DO THAT TO THE DOG!?" awesome. we started the pre-week routine of getting up at 6:30, make beds, eat, shower to get ready for next week. it's not being received well, i'll tell ya. i'll miss the lunch calls to me at work, "mom, i'm bored, what should we do?" Duh... clean!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those mom's that always boo-hood when the kids went back to school. I'm loving your graphics though
ReplyDeleteObviously, our perspectives on this are diametrically opposed. After a nice calm summer here at school, here comes the thundering herd.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the peace. We'll keep the li'l buggers busy for ya.
7 more days. 7 more days. 7 more days.
ReplyDeleteI'll just be over here in the corner chanting my new mantra.
We also start after labor day. I tell my kids it's called labor day because it's the day before they start school labor. They will believe this well into their adulthoods if I have anything to say about it.